Sunday 25th August 2024 - All are Welcome
Welcome to our services this Sunday, particularly if you are here for the first time. Do make yourself known to the clergy after the service and if it's after the 10am stay for coffee/tea.
Holy Communion 8am (Book of Common Prayer): Ben
Sung Eucharist 10am (Common Worship): Ben
212 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty
128 Fight the good fight
328 Make me a channel of your peace
56 Be thou my vision
532 We have a gospel to proclaim
We Pray for the Sick: Nancy C and Robin, Ivy, Danny, Lianne, Oscar, Imogen, Beryl H, Tracy, Colleen, Pat (Peters), Linda.
We Remember: Christopher James Harris, William Barnard, Vera Short, Derek Betson, Walter Leney, Edna Murchison, Beryl Ridout
TONIGHT: EVENSONG, 6:30pm: Come to our service this evening which contains a rich mixture of hymns, readings and sung prayer.
CLEANING THE CHURCH, Tuesday 27th August from 10am: Any help is gratefully received and there is nothing too arduous.. For more information, please speak to Mary Beattie or Diana Rogers.
FREE LUNCHTIME CONCERT, 29th August, 1:10pm, St Anne’s: Philip Hopkins (Chromatic harmonica). Programme to include works by Handel, Bernstein, Schubert and Debussy. The concert is free (with retiring collection) and lasts approximately 40 minutes. You do not need to book in advance.
RIDE AND STRIDE, Saturday 14th September: Mary-Rose, Peter and Jane will again take part to raise funds for Sussex Historic Churches Trust and St. Anne’s. Please DO consider sponsoring them – 50% of the money they raise will come to St. Anne’s! Forms will be available in due course. We will also need help to recording visiting bikers and walkers on the day. Enquiries to Diana (01273 474964).
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ON 20th, 21st and 23rd September for Book Sale: We will need a team of volunteers to help put the books out on Friday 20th and to help with the sale on Saturday 21st (also possibly after to put books away under pews). We may also need help on Monday 23rd to remove books from church to be loaded into a van for transportation to Raystede. If you can volunteer please speak to Ashley (01273 409410 or email
ST ANNE'S OPENING TIMES: A reminder that the Church is open Monday to Saturday from 9:15 until 4pm for people to come in and explore the church or to spend some quiet time. (Times when church is open may vary depending on services and other events.)
ST ANNE'S WEBSITE: - Our website offers resources for our growth in discipleship. On the website you can now find recent sermons collated in one place under the tag sermons. Also, we have a regular slot called Spiritual Reflections which aims to look at questions of faith in a fresh, imaginative way. Contact Ashley or Ben if you can't find the content.
ONLINE AND CARD TRANSACTIONS: Donations can also be made through our website (the DONATE button is in the top right-hand corner of every page).
Please feel free to phone me or drop me an email. I'll be delighted to hear from you. My contact details are:
Rev'd Ben Brown, 01273 933357, email:
We are on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the website. So, if you wish to be kept up to date with the latest announcements or information, between services, then follow:
If you would like anything added to the Notices, please speak to Ashley. - 01273 409410
(For items to be on next Sunday's sheet, please supply to me by Thursday)