Sunday 22nd December 2024 - All are Welcome
Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent
Welcome to our services this Sunday, particularly if you are here for the first time. Do make yourself known to the clergy after the service and if it's after the 10am stay for coffee/tea.
8am – Matins (Book of Common Prayer): Ben
10am – Sung Eucharist (Common Worship): Ben/Peter HYMNS
209 Hills of the north 471 The angel Gabriel
529 Wake, O wake
358 O come, O come Emmanuel
307 Lo, He comes with clouds
We Pray for the Sick:
Vicky, Pat (Peters), Louise, Eileen, Robert Bell (Priest)
We Remember: Arnold Ibbotson, Henry Valentine Blake, David Lang, Edith Lillicrap, Lillian Sorrell, Jean Bell, Ian Holden, Arthur Squires, Ken & Gladys Eastall
Please stay after the 10 a.m. service for mulled wine and mince pies.
Monday 23rd 5:00pm: Joint carol service between St. Anne's and St Michael's at St Michael's Church.
Christmas Eve 5:00pm: Crib service for all the Family
11:00pm: Midnight Mass
Christmas Day 8:00am: Holy Communion for Christmas Day
10:00am: Sung Eucharist for Christmas Day
MORNING PRAYER continues over Christmas: 9:15am on Monday 23rd, Tuesday 24th, Friday 27th, Monday 30th, Tuesday 31st.
SILENT PRAYER returns on Tuesday the 7th of January.
NO COFFEE MORNING on Thursday 2nd January.
CONTACT DETAILS DURING CHRISTMAS: From Boxing Day until Thursday 2nd January (inclusive), if you need to contact anyone regarding Church matters, you can call Mary-Rose or Peter on 01273 472585.
ST ANNE'S OPENING TIMES: Due to current building works, we are unable to open the church during the week, as we usually do. The church is open for all the usual services and events, such as daily Morning Prayer 0915 to 0945 monday and friday and other events publicised on the website. We hope the internal building work will be completed in December and the church can be open as usual.
ST ANNE'S WEBSITE: - Our website offers resources for our growth in discipleship. On the website you can now find recent sermons collated in one place under the tag sermons. Also, we have a regular slot called Spiritual Reflections which aims to look at questions of faith in a fresh, imaginative way. Contact Ashley or Ben if you can't find the content.
ONLINE AND CARD TRANSACTIONS: Donations can also be made through our website (the DONATE button is in the top right-hand corner of every page).
Please feel free to phone me or drop me an email. I'll be delighted to hear from you. My contact details are:
Rev'd Ben Brown, 01273 933357, email:
We are on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the website. So, if you wish to be kept up to date with the latest announcements or information, between services, then follow:
If you would like anything added to the Notices, please speak to Ashley. - 01273 409410
(For items to be on next Sunday's sheet, please supply to me by Thursday)