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Sunday Bulletin

Sunday 22nd September 2024 - All are Welcome

Welcome to our services this Sunday, particularly if you are here for the first time. Do make yourself known to the clergy after the service and if it's after the 10am stay for coffee/tea.

8am - Holy Communion  (Book of Common Prayer): Ben

10am - Sung Eucharist (Common Worship): Ben HYMNS

13 All hail the power of Jesu's name (second set of words)

566 Ye servants of the Lord

174 God of grace and God of glory

310 Lord, for the years

We Pray for the Sick: Robin, Ivy, Danny, Lianne, Oscar, Imogen, Beryl H, Linda.

We Remember: Percy Taylor, Marilyn Grace


CHURCH CLEANING WEDNESDAY, September 25th from 10am. All help gratefully received, nothing arduous!


HARVEST 29th September: Do bring us your donations of food between now and Sunday for Family Support Work. Just leave them at the back of church, or bring them next Sunday.

After the service we will be having our special Harvest lunch. If you would like to come to the lunch please put your name on the form at the back of the Church.

Also, don't forget about our Harvest Evensong at 6:30pm on that day.


LUNCHTIME CONCERT, Thursday 26th September at 1:10pm: Come to our lunchtime concert on. Caroline Tyler will be playing pieces by Liszt and Bach. The concert is free and there is a retiring collection.


FRIENDS OF ST. ANNE’S AGM, Sunday 6th October. A talk by Christopher Whittick on “Lewes Prison”. There will then be a short break for refreshments before the AGM starts. (There will be free parking in County Hall – behind St. Anne’s.) All welcome.


REFLECTION. Last week, during Morning Prayer, we had a reading from 1 Kings, Chapter 17. In this chapter the prophet Elijah is fed by the ravens. 'The ravens brought him bread in the morning.' Elijah then meets a poor widow whose resources are scarce. 'I have nothing baked, only a handful of meal in a jar, and a little oil in a jug.' But she is hospitable to the prophet. While Elijah is staying at the widow's house, her son becomes ill and apparently dies. Elijah prays to God, to heal and restore the widow's son, 'the life of the child came into him again, and he revived.' This gem of a chapter is worth slowly reading and praying over. It shows us how a single chapter in the Bible can be a miracle of allegory, symbol, and psychological and spiritual truth. As you read the narrative you notice themes of radical hospitality, God hidden within the natural world, the suffering of the poor, and divine compassion and transformation. The Bible is full of such buried treasure which remains mostly unknown.


ST ANNE'S OPENING TIMES: A reminder that the Church is open Monday to Saturday from 9:15 until 4pm for people to come in and explore the church or to spend some quiet time. (Times when church is open may vary depending on services and other events.)

ST ANNE'S WEBSITE: - Our website offers resources for our growth in discipleship. On the website you can now find recent sermons collated in one place under the tag sermons. Also, we have a regular slot called Spiritual Reflections which aims to look at questions of faith in a fresh, imaginative way. Contact Ashley or Ben if you can't find the content.

ONLINE AND CARD TRANSACTIONS: Donations can also be made through our website (the DONATE button is in the top right-hand corner of every page).



Please feel free to phone me or drop me an email. I'll be delighted to hear from you. My contact details are:

Rev'd Ben Brown, 01273 933357, email:



We are on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the website. So, if you wish to be kept up to date with the latest announcements or information, between services, then follow:

If you would like anything added to the Notices, please speak to Ashley. - 01273 409410

(For items to be on next Sunday's sheet, please supply to me by Thursday)

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