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Family Support Work (FSW)

FSW helps families in Sussex to overcome difficulties and prevent crisis. They support families struggling with issues such as poverty, ill health, learning difficulties, bereavement, family break-up and domestic abuse.


The work of FSW provides emotional and practical support to families in need. This includes listening, advice, advocacy, food parcels, support groups and play activities. They stay with a family until they get back on their feet.


St Anne’s church supports FSW through monthly church giving, regular donations of foodstuffs (including harvest), presents for families at Christmas and involvement with deanery fund raising events.


Our FSW deanery representative is John Bevan.


Ploughman’s Lunch at St Mary’s Church Hall

The Ploughman's lunch is currently suspended but we hope that this will be restarted in the near future.


Community use of the church

St Anne’s is always looking for opportunities to open the church to the wider community for a variety of uses. Recent musical events have included concerts by the East Sussex Bach Choir, the Esterhazy Chamber Choir, a Freedom from Torture concert, an Amnesty International concert, the Lewes Festival of Song and a concert by New Sussex Singers. Local groups such as Sussex Carols, Pro Musica, the Paddock Singers and the Zu Choir have used St Anne’s for rehearsals. Both Lewes Old Grammar school and Wallands School have held events at the church as have the Lewes Passion Play Group, the Sussex Historic Churches Trust, Lewes Film Club, the Crown Court/High Sherriff’s Office and Lewes Town Council.

Caring and Sharing - Live more simply that others may simply live

"Live more simply that others may simply live"

Caring and Sharing

Caring and Sharing is a scheme which raises money by sacrificial giving. Money saved by making a small change in our lifestyles is given to one or more of 14 overseas projects which provide basic necessities for very poor people. St Anne’s main project supports the Steve Willis memorial fund which drills/digs wells to provide clean drinking water for people living in the north of Uganda.

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